Friday, March 16, 2012

Internship Blog post 2-the interview


How  long have you lived in New York?

She has been here 15 years ago.

2. If you're not a native of New York, where did you live before?

She was born in Seattle washington near to california.

3. Where did you go to high school? What kind of student were you in high school? What were your favorite classes/least favorite? What sports and extracurricular activities did you do?

She goes to Holly names all girls high school. That was a regelous Her average was above to "B" and she was smart in study. She don't play any sport because she don't like any sport.

5. How did you choose your current occupation?
She want's to work with kids and she want's to help them.

6. What steps did you take to get this job? How did you learn about it? How many interviews did you have? Was the hiring process difficult, not difficult? If a person were looking for a job at your company, what advice would you offer?

She take training center to learn about how to teach students.

7. How long have you worked here? Have you worked in different capacities at this job? What jobs at this company have you done in addition to the one you do now?

She has been here three years ago in this school , before she was working with kindergarten teacher.

8. What is your job title and what are the three tasks or responsibilities you do most often?

Her job tittle was "Tribe". Tribe coordinator/staff developer
1) Teach tribes as a cluster
2) I help develop staff by leading trainings
3) Teach conflict resolution

9. Who is your direct supervisor and what is her/his job title? How much do you interact with her/him on a weekly basis? How many people do you supervise?

Donna Taylor, Principle. She interact with her daily. She don't supervise anyone.

10. What are two examples of challenges you face working here?

-Managing my time
-Developing curriculum to teach

11. What is the best part of your job?

Helping student learn about managing their social and emotional intelligence.

12. What is something you would like to change about your job?

I would like to work with small groups on projects related to tribes.

13. Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that job similar or different?

I would at a school in sunset park brooklyn. The job was similar. I worked there for 3 years. It was similar because I was a kindergarten teach and I learned about tribes at that school.

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