Monday, May 7, 2012

Post 5- New Vocabulary

1) Attentive listening     سن چیتنت                     
Paying attention to what you hear carefully.               I was an attentive listener when I was learning.
2) Curriculum               نصاب تعلیم
The subjects in a course of study in school or college.           I found my school curriculum easy.
3) Media literacy          پڑھائی لکھائی میڈیا
 Enable people to analyze.                                                     I was analyzing using media literacy.
4) Initiatives                  اقدامات
The power to take charge or act on oppurtunity.
5) Partnership               شراکت                                                I have a partnership with my class.
When two or more people work together.
6) Duty                         ڈیوٹی                                           My duty is to teach kids for an whole period.
When people are responsible for doing something.
7) Salary                       تنخواہ                                        Every months I use $100 dollar from my salary.
The payment you earn.
8) Reference                 ریفرنس                                            I have a reference book on my table.
 Could be the main idea of the story.
9) Evaluation                 پرچوں                              I had a complete evaluation done during my internship.
An act that would make something worth it.
10) Employer                اجر                                                   I am an employer in the school.
A person or organization that employs people.
11) Criticism                 تنقید                           Sometimes when work is done wrong people use criticism.
Something based on faults or mistakes.
12) Reflection               تشنع                                                    I could see my reflection in the mirror.
 The surface of the body like a mirror image.
13) Practices                تبدیل                                                    My sister practices volleyball.
Try something again and again until you're done.
14) Opportunity            موقع                                                    We had an optional choice.
Something that make hard things possible to do

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